New Criticals


Andrejevic, M. (2004). Reality TV: The work of being watched. Lanham, MD: Rowman  & Littlefield Publishers.

Banet-Weiser, S., & Portwood-Stacer, L. (2006). ‘I just want to be me again!’Beauty  pageants, reality television and post-feminism. Feminist Theory, 7(2), 255-272.

Baruh, L. (2009). Publicized intimacies on reality television: An analysis of voyeuristic  content and its contribution to the appeal of reality programming. Journal of  Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 53(2), 190-210.

Bell-Jordan, K. E. (2008). Black. white. and a survivor of The Real World: Constructions  of race on reality TV. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 25(4), 353-372.

Dubrofsky, R. E. (2007). Therapeutics of the self: Surveillance in the service of the  therapeutic. Television & New media, 8(4), 263-284.

Dubrofsky, R. E. (2009). Fallen women in reality TV: A pornography of emotion.  Feminist Media Studies, 9(3), 353-368.

Fleiss, M., & Levenson, L. (Producer). (2002-2015). The Bachelor [Television series].  Hollywood: CA: American Broadcasting Company.

Fleiss, M., & Levenson, L. (Producer). (2003-2015). The Bachelorette [Television  series]. Hollywood: CA: American Broadcasting Company.

Fleiss, M., & Levenson, L. (Producer). (2014-2015). Bachelor in Paradise [Television  series]. Hollywood: CA: American Broadcasting Company.

Gallagher, A. H., & Pecot-Hebert, L. (2007). You need a makeover!”: The social  construction of female body image in “A Makeover Story,” “What Not to Wear,”  and “Extreme Makeover.” Popular Communication, 5(1), 57-79.

Gamson, J. (2011). The unwatched life is not worth living: the elevation of the ordinary  in celebrity culture. PMLA, 126(4).

Godlewski, L. R., & Perse, E. M. (2010). Audience activity and reality television:  Identification, online activity, and satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 58(2),  148-169.

Grindstaff, L. (2002). The money shot: Trash, class, and the making of TV talk shows.  University of Chicago Press.

Nabi, R. L., Biely, E. N., Morgan, S. J., & Stitt, C. R. (2003). Reality-based television  programming and the psychology of its appeal. Media Psychology, 5(4), 303-330.

Papacharissi, Z., & Mendelson, A. L. (2007). An exploratory study of reality appeal:  Uses and gratifications of reality TV shows. Journal of Broadcasting &  Electronic Media, 51(2), 355-370.

Rojek, C. (2012). Fame attack: the inflation of celebrity and its consequences. New  York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Smith, R. H. (2013). The joy of pain: Schadenfreude and the dark side of human nature.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Turner, G. (2006). The mass production of celebrity ‘Celetoids’, reality TV and the  ‘demotic turn’. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 9(2), 153-165.

Tyree, T. (2011). African American stereotypes in reality television. Howard Journal of  Communications, 22(4), 394-413.

van de Ven, N., Hoogland, C. E., Smith, R. H., van Dijk, W. W., Breugelmans, S. M., &  Zeelenberg, M. (2014). When envy leads to schadenfreude. Cognition and  Emotion, (ahead-of-print), 1-19.