New Criticals

Terranova, ultimately and astutely, sees the relationship of labor and capital (immaterial and free labor) as one fundamental to late capitalism that, as it has grown and evolved and become late, has led to a relationship that "is mutually constitutive, entangled and crucially forged during the crisis of Fordism.” Free labor is so real because it manifests itself, through the shrewd maneuvering of capitalist ingenuity, as “a desire of labor”, a desire for labor, that is “immanent to late capitalism - it does not appropriate anything: it nurtures, exploits and exhausts its labor force and its cultural and affective production.” 

Slowly but surely we inch closer towards the most evocative juncture of work, play, and value in the late capitalism of the early 21st century. Knowledge is both collective and individual, manifest in the material world of computers and the internet. Knowledge labor “is inherently collective, always the result of a collective and social production of knowledge,” and in the informated sphere of internet capitalism, where labor and employment (for lack of a better word) are rarely equivalent, play has been galvanized into action for capitalism by capitalism, and killing time is the name of the game.