New Criticals

KB: We work with an art dealer. We believe that the work that will do very well in the commercial gallery system. This is macho pacho like Damien Hirst. This is the most irresponsible, posturing, despicable work we have ever created - we think it will do very well. But we know that this is not really a progressive net art work. It cannot be. It is for old fashioned people.

Nevertheless with clever use of hashtags to reach to our target - they will discover the work for themselves. Or their colleagues will circulate the slideshow thinking ‘This is funny. It is about him or her. I wonder if they will recognise themselves?’. Perhaps they will upload them to their senior managers’ desktops, screen savers, or on their company marketing screens, or among photos on the walls of fame in their golf clubs. Perhaps people will commission me to make enflaccidphalused portraits of their own senior managers, or create and circulate their own versions (it is not hard to do). These images will be burned onto the minds’ eyes of those they portray.

In a private exchange a friend of ours commented:  ‘almost all white ... no small ones, I feel embarrassed, don't know exactly why …’ There are reasons for this. Enter “senior manager” in any image search engine in Western Europe, to see how many non-white faces are displayed. This is relevant context. In addition, size is relative- in these images the humiliation of the subject should be complete.